The Pros and Cons of Juicing

Health crazes come and go, and some are better than others. You’ve probably noticed over the last couple of years that people seem to really be touting the benefits of juicing. And according to a recent research report, the juicer market is expected to grow by $606.67 million dollars between the years 2019 and 2023.
But what is the truth behind this latest diet fad? Is juicing really that great for you? Does it come with any risks or negative side effects? That’s what this blog post is about to reveal, so keep reading!
The Pros of Juicing
There are different ways that people do a juice fast or cleanse. Some people simply substitute a meal, usually breakfast, with a tall glass of veggie juice. Some people also do short (3-day) and long (30-day) juice fasts. Some people juice their own juices, and some people purchase their juices from a local retailer that juices fresh fruits and veggies.
However you are thinking about incorporating juicing into your life, there are some pros and cons you should be aware of. Here are some of the benefits of juicing:
1. Provides a Lot of Nutrients
Not many of us can actually eat the required seven servings of fruits and veggies a day. But when you push all of that fruit and all of those veggies through a juicer, you can get those nutrients in one tall glass of juice. In other words, juicing is like the superhero of the multivitamin world. Just be sure you are juicing organic fruits and veggies so you aren’t also drinking chemicals.
2. Reduces Produce Waste
How often do you buy produce in an effort to eat healthier, but then just don’t get around to eating it and watch it slowly shrivel in your refrigerator? Well, that limp carrot or cucumber can easily be tossed into your juicer where you can still extract the beneficial nutrients.
3. Hydration
A lot of people drink water all day long hoping to become hydrated. But often that water goes right through them and into the toilet. The chemical structure of vegetable juice mimics that of our own blood plasma, and so this allows the water content to slip through our cell walls, bringing us actual hydration on a cellular level.
The Cons of Juicing
And now let’s look at some of the cons associated with juicing.
1. May Spike Blood Sugar Levels
Even when you juice your own fruits and veggies, you are taking away all of the fiber which counteracts the carb load and you’re left with the juice and the sugar in it. This can cause you to have a major blood sugar spike. For people with insulin resistance or diabetes, these sugar spikes should be avoided.
Additionally, fructose, the sugar in fruits, is processed by the liver. If you drink a lot of fruit juice, this can tax your liver and lead to fatty liver disease.
2. Not Great for Those with Kidney Disorders
Health experts have warned that drinking large quantities of juice may be harmful to those with kidney disorders. Certain fruits and vegetables contain oxalates, an acid that can contribute to kidney stones and other kidney issues.
3. Insufficient Calories
Those who choose to do a juice fast for a number of days or even weeks will most likely experience symptoms such as weakness, fainting, headaches, and hunger from not getting enough calories.
As you can see, juicing comes with its own set of pros and cons, as does every other diet trend out there. While some people with diabetes or kidney issues may want to avoid juicing, other people may very well benefit from drinking a tall glass of vegetable juice every day to get all of the nutrients.